Faith Teachings

November 7, 2024

The Divinity of Jesus: Truth and Proof

Strengthen your faith with evidence of Jesus’ divinity and His transformative message.

The Divinity of Jesus: Truth and Proof

Jesus Christ is not merely a great teacher or prophet—He is the Son of God. Understanding and defending His divinity is central to the Catholic faith.

Biblical Evidence for Jesus’ Divinity

Scripture clearly affirms Jesus’ divine nature. Consider His declaration:

“I and the Father are one.” – John 10:30

This statement caused controversy among His listeners, as it directly claimed equality with God.

Miracles as Signs of Divinity

Jesus performed miracles that only God could accomplish:

  • Healing the Sick – He restored sight to the blind and cured lepers.
  • Raising the Dead – He brought Lazarus back to life. (John 11:1-44)
  • Controlling Nature – He calmed the storm with a word. (Mark 4:39)

Why Jesus’ Divinity Matters

1. Salvation Through Christ

Only God can redeem humanity. Jesus’ divinity assures us of the efficacy of His sacrifice on the cross.

2. Relationship with God

As both God and man, Jesus bridges the gap between us and the Father.

A Prayer for Faith in Jesus

Lord Jesus,
I believe in Your divinity and trust in Your saving power. Strengthen my faith and help me to share this truth with others. Amen.

Closing Thoughts

Jesus’ divinity is the cornerstone of our faith. By affirming this truth, we proclaim His authority, love, and salvation to the world.